Pain Poultice for Jaw Pain
What's In a Poultice
While there are many types of poultices with different purposes, the poultice that is commonly used for joint pain consists of natural herbs. The effective ingredients of the poultice are aloe vera, cayenne pepper, comfrey root and golden seal. These herbs are combined and added to water. The herbs should be measured by volume when making the poultice; golden seal and cayenne pepper should make up 10 percent to 20 percent of the mixture; aloe vera should make up 20 percent to 30 percent and the comfrey root should make up 40 percent to 60 percent. The amount of water required depends on the type of poultice.
Dried Herb Poultice
When using dried herbs to make a poultice, grind all the dry ingredients together with a mortar and pestle until it becomes a powder. Next, slowly add enough warm water to the powder to make it a paste. The paste should be thick enough to spread on the jaw, but not too stiff.
Once the paste is made, spread it onto a piece of gauze or cotton that is large enough to cover the jaw. Thoroughly cleanse the area to which you will be applying the poultice. Place the gauze---poultice-side down---on the jaw. If necessary, secure the gauze with medical adhesive tape. Leave the poultice on for as long as it stays fresh, replacing it when necessary.
Fresh herb poultice
Rough chop about 1/2 cup of the fresh herbs and mix with a cup of water in a saucepan. Allow the mixture to simmer for two minutes. Then, strain the herbs so that excess moisture is removed but the herbs are not drained. Spread the herbs over a gauze or piece of cotton that is large enough to cover the jaw. Place the gauze mixture-side down onto the jaw. The poultice can remain on the jaw for as long as it stays fresh. Replace the poultice when necessary.
About the Ingredients
Aloe vera is a gel-type substance that is found in the leaves of plants. It is commonly used to soothe wounds and burns and to help avoid infection.
Cayenne pepper is known to treat pain. It alsos serves as a digestive aid and helps cut cholesterol.
Golden seal, also known as golden root or yellow root, is thought to be a possible anitibiotic or an immune system stimulant.
Comfrey, which is available as bark, root and leaf, is used for its healing effects on wounds and sores.
Because aloe vera may be a skin irritant for some people and the herbs are placed directly against the skin, apply a small amount of aloe vera to a less sensitive area to test for allergic reaction.