Ice Therapy for a Knee Injury

Knee pain after an injury can decrease mobility and make it difficult or impossible to walk, run or climb stairs. There are several ways to deal with a knee injury. And while some people reach for the medicine bottle to dull the ache and calm inflammation, ice therapy is a proven effective remedy for knee injuries.
  1. Function

    • Ice therapy is a quick and effective remedy for knee injures because coldness from an ice pack or cold cloth reduces inflammation and swelling, and helps numb the pain.

    Time Frame

    • The Mayo Clinic recommends applying a cold compress to knee injuries in 20 minute increments up to three times a day.

    Fun Fact

    • Ideally, you'll want to use an ice pack purposed to treat injuries. If you don't have access to one, a package of frozen vegetables from your freezer (peas and corn work especially well) can function as a cold compress.


    • Cold compresses quickly numb injured areas. Remove ice compresses after 20 minutes to avoid damaging your skin and nerves.

    Expert Insight

    • For comfort, the Mayo Clinic recommends wrapping cold compresses in dry towels or hand cloths before applying them to the injured area. This also helps protect your skin.

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