Lorcet Drug Facts
Lorcet is a narcotic pain reliever. It is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is composed of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. It can also be prescribed as a cough suppressant for some patients.
The generic form of Lorcet is known as hydrocodone/acetaminophen. Lorcet can also be prescribed under the brand names Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, Anexsia, Lolorex Forte, Hycet, Zydone, Polygesic, Stagesic, Xodol, Zamicet and Maxidone.
Commn Side Effects
Common side effects of Lorcet may include nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, dizziness, flushing, drowsiness, constipation, vision changes, dry mouth, ringing in the ears and mood changes.
Serious Side Effects
Notify your physician immediately if you experience the following side effects after taking Lorcet: shallow breathing, slow heart rate, fainting, confusion, seizures, urination problems, itching, dark urine, jaundice or clay-colored stools.
Lorcet contains hydrocondone. Hydrocondone is a narcotic that can be habit-forming and should only be used as directed. It has the potential for abuse if not used as prescribed.
If you drink more than three alcoholic beverages a day, tell your physician before taking Lorcet due to the ingredient acetaminophen. Serious liver conditions can occur when using high doses of acetaminophen mixed with alcohol.