Anti-inflammatory for Foot Pain
OTC Options
Different anti-inflammatory options are available over-the-counter to stop foot pain. These include medications like aspirin, naproxen sodium and ibuprofen. Follow package instructions carefully.
Prescription Anti-Inflammatory Options
When foot pain results from a chronic condition such as arthritis, doctors may prescribe medications such as prednisone, or immunosuppressant drugs to relieve inflammation and pain.
Benefits of Ice
In conjunction with medications to stop pain, ice also reduces inflammation. Rest a cold compress (cloth or ice pack) on affected areas for up to 20 minutes.
Effects of Creams
Topical muscle and joint creams are useful for managing inflammation. Purchase creams such as Bengay from drug stores, or visit a vitamin shop for herbal anti-inflammatory gels or creams.
Expert Insight
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3 is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps reduce pain associated with different health conditions. Eat foods rich in omega-3 such as tuna or salmon, or take omega-3 supplements.