Nutrition Help & Neuropathy Nerves
Alcohol causes nerve damage in several ways. It interferes with communication processes between the nerves and leads to deficiencies in important vitamins vital for nerve health, according to Dr. R. Andrew Sewell and Dr. Lawrence D. Recht on Avoiding alcohol will benefit neuropathy symptoms.
Celiac Disease
Many people have sensitivity or allergy to gluten, the protein found in wheat and many other grains. If you have neuropathy, consider getting tested for celiac disease.
Vitamin Intake
Deficiencies in several different vitamins can trigger and worsen neuropathy, including vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12 and E.
Balanced Diet
According to Mayo Clinic, if you have neuropathy you need to eat a well-balanced diet to ensure adequate intake of a range of vitamins and minerals. They suggest lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean meats.
Specific Foods
Foods that contain the previously mentioned vitamins include whole grains, seeds, nuts, beef, liver, pork, yeast, chicken, cheese, milk, eggs and fish, according to Drs. Sewell and Recht.