Is it Safe to Take Aspirin If You Have a Bad Liver?
Aspirin vs. Acetaminophen
Aspirin (i.e., Bayer), technically called acetylsalicylic acid, is not the same as acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol), also called paracetamol. While both are over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, their chemical make-up and effects on the body are different; notably, aspirin offers anti-inflammatory properties, whereas acetaminophen does not.
A "Bad" Liver
Hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis and liver cancer are serious liver conditions. Long-term alcohol abuse damages the liver and is associated with these conditions, which cause the liver's vulnerability to any foreign substance, including OTC medications.
Liver Function
In addition to its many crucial bodily functions, the liver is responsible for breaking down ingested substances so that they can be used by or eliminated from the body. Liver dysfunction inhibits this ability, so even a small dose of OTC pain relievers can irritate this organ.
Hepatotoxicity is the term used to describe a substance's ability to cause chemical-induced liver damage. OTC pain relievers have varying degrees of hepatotoxicity (increased with alcohol consumption), and although health articles, such as those by Princeton University McCosh Health Center, focus more heavily on acetaminophen liver dangers, Melissa Palmer, M.D., at, recommends that patients with liver disease avoid using aspirin.
Prevention: New Studies
In 2009, studies by Yale University and published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that aspirin's anti-inflammatory properties could actually prevent liver damage and liver disease (conditions of severe liver inflammation) caused by heavy drinking and excessive acetaminophen use, according to BBC Health News.
Patients with liver dysfunction or disease should consult a doctor before taking any OTC medication, including aspirin.