Mineral Ice Uses
The symptoms of osteoarthritis include joint pain, stiffness, tenderness, a loss of flexibility, and occasionally a sensation of grating, according to the Mayo Clinic. It can often come with age, heredity, obesity, or regular joint stress. Counter-irritants such as Mineral Ice provide temporary relief from the pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is often found in the knees, hands, neck, and lower back. Menthol, eucalyptus oil, and other ingredients in counter-irritants cause a hot or cold sensation on the skin to divert pain. Commonly found in cream form, Mineral Ice can be rubbed into the affected area three to four times a day and has no harmful side effects.
Tendonitis is classified by the Mayo Clinic as an “inflammation or irritation of a tendon,” often occurring around the shoulders and elbows. Symptoms include dull pain as well as some swelling and tenderness. It can be caused by repetitive strain on the particular tendon or area. Mineral Ice and products like it can be rubbed on the skin surrounding the tendon for temporary relief of pain. The cold or hot sensation from the counter-irritant temporarily masks the dull ache associated with tendonitis. It can be applied three to four times a day and has no known harmful side effects.
Back pain can originate from a variety of conditions. Strains from heavy lifting, problems with structure, such as ruptured discs, and occasionally more serious conditions, such as an infection in the spine, can all cause back pain. Mineral Ice may temporarily help with pain relief. Products such as Mineral Ice, Bengay, and Icy Hot, according to the Mayo Clinic, can be applied as a spray or cream on the painful area of the back. Ingredients in the pain medication such as eucalyptus oil and menthol distract from chronic back pain for a short time.
Muscle Strain
According to Dr. Shahram Lotfipour of eMedicinehealth.com, muscle strain or damage can occur to the muscle directly or to its tendons and may cause bruising, swelling, and weakness of the muscles and a significant amount of pain. Along with rest and other treatments, counter-irritants may be used for temporary pain relief. Applied three to four times a day to the area around the strained muscle, Mineral Ice may help distract from some of the symptoms of muscle strain.