Valerian Remedy for Pain
Herbalist or Pharmacist?
First of all, it's important to determine the extent of your pain problem and make sure that you are headed in the right direction with your self-care. An herbalist may see your situation very differently than a conventional doctor. They may have more insight into what herbs can help.
Valerian at a Glance
Valerian is most commonly used for insomnia, but because of its general muscle-relaxant qualities, it's also effective as a pain reducer. It can be used to treat irritable-bowel syndrome, migraines, restlessness and anxiety. It is also used to help people ease off of benzodiazepines.
Often, people find that valerian needs to be taken long term in order to notice its effects, but others notice effects immediately. Valerian can also cause some to feel agitated. It seems that the drug is a balancer, so it works as a relaxant on those who are agitated and can cause stimulation in those who are fatigued. Even those who use it as a sleep aid may find that it interrupts sleep. It is entirely dependent on the chemistry of the person using it. Using it for a short period of time in order to experience the effects is important before committing to using it regularly.
Forms of Valerian
Valerian can be taken as a tea, a tincture or as capsules. The tea form is simple: you buy the herb and brew tea with it. Although less research is available on the effects of using it that way, an experienced herbalist may recommend this method.
Most herbalists will recommend the tincture, because it is less processed and therefore closer to the original form of the plant. Tincture bottles give instructions on dosage, usually 10-15 drops once or twice a day. A nice way to spread out the dosage through the day is to put the tincture in your water bottle. This will also help with consumption of water. Most herbalists will tell you that sustained, constant intake of a tiny amounts of a tincture is better than a one-time dose in the morning.
A valerian supplement bottle should have dosage directions next to the nutritional facts. Follow those instructions if you take the pill form.