How to Ease Leg Fatigue
Keep in mind that leg fatigue causes can be eliminated. After all, if you know the cause you can be on the way to relief. For example, if you know that every time you play tennis your legs ache then you may need to look at options. Are you playing too long or too often? If so, cut back.
This could be true of any sport or activity. Also, consider the fact that shoes can be the problem. When shoes do not have enough support or are the wrong kind it will affect the legs as well as the feet. Wear proper shoes, quality made and possibly use othotic shoe inserts.
Get proper rest and sleep, when people are still tired from the day before it creates leg fatigue. Its even worse when it's job related because you have to do the same thing day in and day out. Find ways to take power naps and devise a bed time routine to ensure quality sleep.
Massage legs and use massage products such as leg and foot massage machines and supplies. Massage is a great way to increase blood flow to tired achy muscles. It's also an excellent stress reliever and relaxant.
Lose weight if you're overweight. Excess weight is sure to cause leg fatigue symptoms. When you have a job that requires a lot of standing it can make legs achy and tired. Extra body weight makes it worse, so weight loss should be a serious consideration.
Weak leg muscles are also a factor when it comes to tired achy legs. Are your leg muscles weak? If so, consider additional leg work in daily activities or a leg workout routine. Strong legs can hold up under pressure and prevent leg fatigue.
Wear compression hosiery and leg/foot wear to ease leg pain and ache. Medical stockings are sometimes needed when leg fatigue is caused by leg related health issues such as blood clots, edema, varicose veins, poor circulation etc.
In some cases you may need to take over the counter medication for temporary relief from leg fatigue symptoms. However, drugs should always be considered a short term solution. It's much better to seek healthier more natural ways to ease aches and pains.