How to Rate Spleen Pain
Spleens are important organs in bodies. The spleen contains two parts. The first section is responsible for a part of the immune system, producing white blood cells that battle infections, viruses and illnesses. The second part filters blood, separating the healthy red blood cells from the old, abnormal or infected red blood cells. The red blood cells in this part of the spleen eat bacteria, fungi and other bad things that hurt the body. Pain can occur because of several different problems or medical disorders. There is no set pain scale, but many health professionals ask patients to rate their pain on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst you can imagine. Before rating your pain with your doctor, make sure you are both referring to the same rating scale.Instructions
Tell your doctor that your pain level is at 0 if there is no pain.
Tell your doctor your pain level is a 1 if it is just light pain that does not affect the way you function, but just comes and goes in light twinges.
Tell your doctor you have a pain level of 2 if the feeling is strong twinges, but still comes and goes--for instance, bad side cramps from exercising.
Tell your doctor your pain level is a 3 if you are distracted by the pain.
Tell your doctor your pain level has reached a 4 when the pain is distracting, but you can ignore it during work hours.
If you can ignore the pain for only 30 minutes or less, it is a sign that your pain level has reached a 5.
If you have the ability to go to work and social occasions or move about, but have constant pain, your pain level is now 6.
Not being able to sleep or concentrate due to the pain, and operating only by exerting a fair amount of effort, means that your pain level is up to 7.
Tell your doctor if you are having a hard time functioning because of the pain. Your pain level has just reached 8.
Nearing delirium is a good sign that you are feeling a 9 on the pain scale.
Passing out from pain is a 10 on the pain scale.