Cold Compress for Incisional Pain
Types of Incisions
Incisions can be internal, due to the removal of internal organs such as the uterus or appendix, or external, as in a Caesarean section or other surgical procedures where the skin is cut.
Pain Reduction
The University of Texas Medical Branch says that the use of cold compresses such as ice packs can be used to reduce pain and swelling associated with internal and external incisions. Ice can cause a temporary numbing of the tissue, which may help relieve pain.
Swelling Reduction
Swelling can cause more pain and hampers the healing process, according to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. The use of cold can help diminish swelling by shrinking blood vessels that deliver blood flow to an injured area. Compression helps decrease swelling as well.
To help alleviate incisional pain, UIHC says to apply a cloth-covered ice pack to the incision for no more than 20 minutes, four to eight times a day.
Cold compresses should not be used for more than 20 minutes at a time as cold injury could occur. Never apply ice directly to the skin.