How Do I Choose a Tens Unit?

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses low-voltage electrical stimulation through electrodes hooked to a machine to block pain signals from reaching the brain. TENS units for home use are available through pharmacies, online retailers and medical supply companies. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of a TENS unit in part or in full with a doctor’s prescription, though a prescription is not necessary to purchase a unit.
  1. Features

    • Check with your doctor or physical therapist to help determine what features you need to achieve the best results from TENS therapy for your particular condition. Some key features to look for in all units include battery life, controls and width control. Some less-expensive TENS units use regular disposable batteries. In many cases, the higher cost of a unit with a rechargeable battery is easily justified by the savings from recharging the unit instead of buying new batteries. High-tech machines like TENS units tend to wear out disposable batteries quickly. If you have arthritis or another condition that affects your dexterity, try to purchase your unit from a local store so that you can touch the knobs and buttons and make sure they are easy for you to operate. Some TENS units feature very simple settings, while others come with many extra features such as multiple timer settings that may not be necessary for most patients. Look for a TENS unit that has the ability to adjust the width control, which is how long the machine stays on before it turns off. Width control is what allows you to determine the level of pain relief you receive.


    • Though many TENS units are affordable, they are still a major electronic purchase. Evaluate any warranties that come with the various units you are considering to make sure you are getting the most for your money. Machines that do not come with warranties on the units themselves or the components may end up costing more in the end if repairs or replacement parts are necessary. Warranties on the cables are especially important, since the cost of new ones can be as much as a brand-new unit. Talk with your doctor or therapist about companies and brands they know and trust when selecting your unit.


    • Many companies allow patients to try their TENS units in their homes for a limited period to make sure the unit will work for them. Since different TENS units have such varying features, intensity levels and electrode setups, the best way for you to determine if a unit will work for you is to try it. If you are unable to find a company that will give you a free trial, make sure you understand its return policy fully. At the very least, try TENS therapy from a machine in your doctor’s or therapist’s office to determine if electrical stimulation helps relieve your pain at all.

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