Inversion Table for Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain can turn your world upside down with mild to severe symptoms. It is caused by impingement of the sciatic nerve. One technique for reducing pain from this nerve compression is inversion. Using an inversion table is the safest way to turn gravity upside down.
  1. Sciatic Pain

    • The sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back to the posterior knee is thick and long. It can become easily irritated from several conditions. Piriformis syndrome is when the deep buttocks muscle rubs against or restricts the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is another condition in which pain often runs down the back of the leg.

    Inversion Therapy

    • Inversion therapy or being upside down (the angle of inversion should be around 30 degrees from the floor) can alleviate sciatic symptoms. This method lengthens the spine and creates more space between vertebrae. It acts like spinal traction and relieves nerve pressure, according to You can use tables, gravity boots, swings, and certain yoga poses to invert.

    Inversion Table

    • According to Dr. Rob Gottesman, using an inversion table is safest because there is no twisting of the spine, which can occur with other devices. But be sure that you can easily operate the table and that it is durable. Dr. Gottesman also states, that you do not need to be fully upside down (30 degrees from floor is enough) to receive a benefit for compressed nerves like sciatic pain.

    Inversion Table and Sciatic Pain

    • By spending 2 to 5 minutes (2 to 3 times a day) on an inversion table, you can allow the sciatic nerve to be free from compression. Tight muscles around the sciatic nerve can relax. This will restore nerve function, improve ligament mobility and relieve pain.


    • Being inverted is not for everyone. Those who have suffered a stroke, have had back surgery, have glaucoma, high blood pressure, heart disease, or are pregnant should avoid inversion completely. Check with your doctor first.

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