Esoteric Causes of Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is caused by and reflected through an emotional condition held in (or coming through) the HEF to the solar plexus chakra by way of the third astral body layer. It is the goal of alternative healers to cure the esoteric causes of the sickness (emotional upset) and, thus, alleviate the symptom (abdominal pain).
Esoteric causes of abdominal pain are mental emotions related to conflict resolution, survival and the future, negativity, fear and anger.
Unresolved Reincarnation Issues
Unresolved past life issues may be a source of abdominal pain as well: when a person has died of abdominal wounds or in the context of extreme conflict or if the person is still suffering anxiety and fear from some aspect of her past life.
Imbalanced Third Chakra or Etheral Body
This power center (chakra) is imbalanced through fear, inability to let go, or a traumatic or imbalanced state of use of one's heart, mind and spirit as the basis for life decisions. In short, abdominal pain is caused by living too much in one's head and by a lack of or conflicting spiritual belief structures; one does not feel safe and has no real trust in a higher power.
The third astral body layer, also known as the etheric body, is associated with our mental life, with linear thinking. It is also known as the mental body. Representing the mental process, the ethereal body is a yellow layer of energy about 3 to 8 inches from the body. Abdominal pain can be witnessed through this field as the result of negative habitual thoughts.
Blocked Human Energy Field or Energy Flow
The HEF is the totality of the etheric layers, chakras and the energy that moves through them (universal energy flow); just like a big machine that runs on fuel, the HEF is an organized machine that makes all physical existence possible. Any upset to the chakra or etheric layer blocks the flow of universal energy through the HEF. In the case of the third Chakra and third auric layer, abdominal pain and related illnesses are the result.
Alernative Treatments
Alternative healing therapies, such as homeopathy, crystal therapy, past life regression, shamanic soul retrieval, affirmations, energy medicines, meridian work, acupuncture, color therapies, qigong, bioenergetic medicine and meditation may all work to bring the astral body and the third chakra in balance and, thus, relieve abdominal pain.
Other Concerns
According to author Judy Jacka, in her book "Healing Yourself Naturally," the state of the solar plexus is the main conditioning factor for balance in the automatic nervous system. As the third astral layer, the solar plexus chakra governs the stomach, liver, gallbladder and nervous system; people with abdominal pain may be experiencing upsets due to disease in these areas too. See a doctor if you have abdominal pain before resorting to alternative medicine, or choose an alternative healer who is also a medical doctor.