Role of Lasers in Treatment of Neuropathy & Shingles
Over one million Americans suffer from shingles each year, according to researchers at Meditech International, and a large percentage develop post herpetic neuralgia, which is the reason patients can suffer from pain that persists for months and years. Shingles has historically been resistant to treatments, but LLLT is effective for pain management, according to Meditech.
LLLT has been used for pain management in Europe and Asia for more than 40 years. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002 as a safe and effective solution for reducing pain and inflammation for muscoloskeletal conditions. Its uses have since expanded.
LLLT involves the emission of low-energy laser beams from a portable device to penetrate the skin tissue and target the affected tissue and cells in a brief, painless procedure that requires no downtime and has no side effects.
How It Works
Low-energy beams stimulate the affected cells and surrounding tissues and trigger functions that increase protein synthesis and metabolism and accelerate healing, thereby reducing pain and inflammation. Multiple treatments are necessary.
Unlike other laser treatments, LLLT does not use thermal (heat) energy, so there is no risk of burning or tissue damage, and patients can relax during treatment (important for shingles patients, as stress induces pain and outbreak). Pain reduction and healing occur without the use of medications (which can lead to unhealthy dependency) and without risks and complications.
Patients must consistently receive LLLT treatment for full results, which not only include pain reduction, but also include the healing of outer symptoms, such as blisters, and a reduction in future outbreaks.