Why Is Joint Pain Worse at Night?
Daily Activities
When you are involved in daily activities, you are less likely to focus on pain. At night, when you are not distracted, the joint pain may be more apparent. Also, if you have done repetitive or strenuous activities throughout the day, you will feel the effects in the evening.
Adrenal Exhaustion
According to Dr. Rob Gottesman, one of the reasons joints hurt at night is adrenal exhaustion. He states that the adrenal glands are the body' s natural anti-inflammatories. If they are taxed throughout the day, swelling will occur at night. According to AARP.org, joint pain is a symptom of adrenal crisis.
Stress and Fatigue
When you are under stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol, which can lead to insomnia. Not sleeping can lead to a deep fatigue, which can trigger joint pain. Continual stress and fatigue can weaken the immune system and make pain more likely.
A diet high in white sugar and caffeine can stress the body. Stress can deplete you of critical nutrients like calcium. Calcium is an important mineral for keeping bones, joints and muscles strong. If you are calcium-deficient, this also could lead to joint pain.
Exercises and Stretches
Dr. Joan Liebmann-Smith, co-author of the book "Body Signs," explains that when joints are immobile, this can cause pain and stiffness. Doing regular exercise and early evening stretching can keep the joints limber and minimize pain.