Relief for Abdominal Breathing Pain
Causes and Symptoms
Different causes call for different relief methods. Depending on the symptoms, reasons for pain can range from heartburn, indigestion, bloated stomach, wrong sleeping or sitting posture, to GERD, (gastrointestinal reflux disease), muscle pull, ulcers and acute appendicitis. Apply relevant relief methods for pain after the underlying cause has been discerned.
Picture the stomach as a balloon. The more you fill it up, the more it expands. When you eat a heavy meal, it expands, moving the diaphragm into the chest cavity. This pressure creates breathing difficulty and pain. The best antidote is an antacid or fiber husk mixed with water. Be aware of foods that usually give you a bloated stomach. Eat small portions of these. Deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing help regulate air pressure in lungs.
Pulled Muscles
Pulled muscles around the diaphragm cause abdominal pain when you breathe. Prevent this with correct posture. To gain relief, do not scrunch your abdomen further. Try gentle stretches and go as far as the pain allows. If it is too painful, stop. Ask for a muscle relief medicine from your doctor. Do this only after confirming that a pulled muscle is the cause of your pain.
GERD, or gastrointestinal reflux disease, occurs when the stomach fluid travels to the esophagus. It is acidic and causes burning. Painful and difficult breathing along with pain in abdomen are the symptoms. GERD is commonly known as acid reflux. Dietary changes can relieve acid reflux. Foods and beverages like chocolate, peppermint, fatty foods, coffee, and alcohol aggravate the condition. It is best to avoid these items. Take smaller meals to lessen stomach acid pressure. Smoking causes acid reflux, so discontinue it to ease pain. Keep stomach acid down even when sleeping. Elevate your bed 6 inches at the head rest angle. Do not lie down immediately after eating. Let the food settle for up to three hours before lying down. Antacids give relief by neutralizing the stomach fluid. Avoid long use of antacids, though.
Breathing pain in the abdomen also occurs if you have an ulcer. If these symptoms are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of weight and appetite, weakness or blood in vomit, consult your doctor immediately. Treatment will most likely be a recommended change in diet and lifestyle. Further treatment includes reducing stomach acid, antibiotics, protecting stomach mucus from stomach acid, and in extreme case, surgery to remove the ulcer.
Acute Appendicitis
A change in the appendix creates abdominal and breathing pains as well. The pain starts around the navel, and increases toward the lower right abdomen. If low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite accompany pain, go to a doctor at once. If you have appendicitis, you'll need surgery to remove the appendix.
Know the real cause behind your symptoms. Never self-diagnose or self-treat a serious condition.