Chemo Recovery
A key side-effect of chemotherapy is nausea and lack of appetite. This may be aided by positive visualization exercises, eating small meals throughout the day, avoiding spicy or rich, fatty foods, eating a biscuit upon rising, eating cold foods and drinking more water to rid the body of toxins.
Hair loss is a temporary side effect of chemo and may be minimized by using a mild shampoo, gently dabbing the hair to dry, massage of the scalp tissues with hair stimulants and conditioners and the avoidance of tight elastic bands, hair dryers and color treatments.
Mouth Sores
Mucositis---or mouth sores---may be aided by avoiding hot, acidic foods and drinks, rinsing your mouth with salt water, using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and topical medications prescribed by your doctor. Milk products are soothing, and eating a bit of sour cream before meals may help coat the mouth to further lessen pain.
Joint and Bone Pain
Maintain a healthy weight by eating nutritious foods high in calcium and vitamin D to help ease strain on joints and bones. Regular exercise keeps joints flexible, and holistic treatments such a chiropractic care, massage and relaxation techniques may ease this condition. Hot and cold packs are also recommended for temporary relief.
Muscle Pain
The use of warm compresses and baths can help soothe muscle pains. Rest, massage and mild exercise may help relieve aches and your doctor may also prescribe muscle relaxers. Avoid constipation, which can increase aches, by drinking plenty of fluids and increasing your intake of foods containing fiber.
Contact your doctor if, in addition to normal joint pain, you experience increasing back pain, numbness in your legs, any unusual pain in your waist or chest, or loss of bladder and bowel control.