Treatment & Surgery for a Broken Hip
With severe hip bone fractures, surgery may help to fit the top portion of the femur with a metal replacement. In less extreme cases, surgeons can simply insert metal screws into the hip bone to help keep the area intact until it mends.
Total Hip Replacement
Doctors recommend total hip replacement surgery for those with major damage to the joints. In this procedure, surgeons will replace the upper femur and pelvic bone socket with a metal or ceramic prosthesis.
Surgery Aftermath
All patients following surgery to repair a broken hip should do physical therapy exercises to help strengthen the region.
For patients suffering from serious ailments making them bad candidates for surgery, doctors may decide to use an alternative treatment like traction, a mechanical device used to limit movement in the fractured hip area.
An annual shot of zoledronic acid to the hip area helps stabilize bone density and reduce the risk of future broken hips.