Foot Surgery Pain
Foot Surgery
Foot surgery can be performed on either your forefoot or rearfoot. Surgery is used to remove bunions, straighten hammertoes, relieve pain from enlarged nerves and remove painful bone spurs. Depending on what form of foot surgery you undergo, your surgeon could make an incision in your foot, shorten or move tendons and ligaments, realign joints and even remove bone. Foot surgery is intended to relieve discomfort long term, but you will experience some pain during your recovery.
Normal Recovery Pain
Pain after undergoing foot surgery is normal. You will notice the pain as the anesthesia from your surgery wears off. You could experience as a result of an incision or because of a shortened or shifted tendon. Swelling is normal after foot surgery and can cause tenderness and pain. As you heal from the surgery, the pain will fade and the swelling will go down. After most surgeries, you should recover after six months.
Complication Pain
Some potential complications of foot surgery can cause you to experience increased pain during your recovery. An infection of the incision site can cause pain that increases, rather than fades. If one of your nerves is damaged during your procedure, you might experience considerable pain. Overexerting your foot after surgery could lead to loosened sutures or strained muscles that are unprepared for activity.
Normal pain after foot surgery can be managed by following your doctor's instructions. They will include elevating your foot, icing any swelling that occurs and taking pain medication that is prescribed to you. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection if you develop one. Pain medication can help control pain caused by a damaged nerve. If your sutures are loosened, your doctor can close the incision site again.
Pain is a potential part of the recovery process from any surgery. Your doctor will discuss the levels of pain you could experience after undergoing foot surgery before the procedure. By following your doctor's advice you can lessen your pain during recovery. This includes using any braces, canes or walking aids the doctor recommends, as well as being careful not to overdo any physical therapy exercises.