How to Deal With Pain From a Below the Knee Amputation
Things You'll Need
- Medications
- Non-invasive therapy
- Warmth therapy
- Exercise
- Relaxation tapes
Take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen for mild pain relief. Ask your doctor about short-term narcotic medications for severe phantom pain. Your doctor may recommend anticonvulsant drugs, such as gabapentin. These drugs interrupt pain signals being sent to the brain. Take tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline to help you sleep better.
Talk to your doctor about nerve stimulation for phantom pain in your leg. A TENS unit is a portable device that delivers tiny electrical currents into your body via small electrodes placed on the end of your amputated limb. Place electrodes on the skin and turn unit on. Turn unit to the lowest frequency and increase slowly till pain is gone. Consult with your doctor on how often you may use the TENS unit.
Take warm baths to sooth the amputated part of your leg. Keep the amputated part of your leg warm with heavy blankets. Warmth soothes and relaxes your muscles in the upper part of your leg reducing pain.
Exercise your leg. Talk to your doctor about exercises you can do with your amputated leg that strengthens and reduces phantom pain.
Listen to relaxation tapes. Relax your mind with visualization or deep breathing exercises. Read books or listen to music. Distractions such as these takes your mind off phantom pain.