Description of Pain Using the Wong-Baker Scale
The Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale utilizes a series of six cartoon faces. At the far left is a happy face. The face at the far right is weeping. The expressions on the four intervening faces get progressively sadder as you move to the right.
A number appears below each of the six faces. Below the happy face at the far left is a 0, while the face at the far right is marked 5. The faces between are marked 1 though 4, respectively.
Below each face and number is a brief description. Moving from left to right, the descriptions read: "no hurt," "hurts little bit," "hurts little more," "hurts even more," "hurts whole lot" and "hurts worst."
Patient Populations
Although the Wong-Baker scale was developed for work with children, it has also come to be used successfully by health care providers and caregivers working with patients who are elderly or cognitively impaired. It is also useful when there are language barriers between providers and patients.
How It Is Used
Health care providers or caregivers can point to each face on the scale and say the words beneath it. Then patients can choose the face that corresponds to what they are feeling.