How to Treat a Sciatic Nerve Injury
Get a physical examination. Your doctor will examine you to determine the cause of your sciatic nerve injury and pain. You may be sent for X-rays or an MRI. Your treatment will depend on your examination and symptoms.
Try an anti-inflammatory medication. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications will reduce swelling associated with your injury. Once your swelling subsides, your pain will lessen. Do not take anti-inflammatory medications if you are taking medications to thin your blood because they will intensify the effect of your blood thinner.
Ask about prescription medication. If your sciatic pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxers or opioid-based pain relievers. These medications cause side effects such as drowsiness and mental confusion. Do not drive while taking prescription pain relievers.
Use a pillow while sleeping. According to, a service of the National Institutes of Health, when you sleep, lie in a curled-up fetal position and place a pillow between your legs. If sleeping on your back, a pillow or rolled-up towel under your knees will relieve pressure.
Inquire about epidural steroid injections. According to, corticosteroids mimic the effects of hydrocortisone and cortisone, which are hormones manufactured by the outer layer of your adrenal glands. When given in amounts that exceed your natural levels, corticosteroids supress inflammation around the sciatic nerve, helping relieve the pain.