Bio-Dermal Gel Uses
Chronic Pain Relief
Bio-Demal Gel can treat arthritis, fibromyalgia and other types of chronic pain. Treating persistent pain is an ongoing process, with medications sometimes causing side effects worse than the pain. Treat arthritis pain by placing a medicated pad onto joints. Relieve fibromyalgia pain by placing a transdermal pad on an area of discomfort. Patients experience less stomach upset and other side effects common with pain medications with this method, as the localized medication does not travel to all parts of the body. Bio-Dermal Gel can also operate directly on skin's nerve endings to treat nerve pain. Nerve endings receive pain messages that flow from your nerves into your spinal cord, which amplifies these signals. Transdermal pain products used with Bio-Dermal Gel can prevent nerve endings from picking up these signals. Apply Bio-Dermal Gel directly onto nerve bundles for "trigger-point" application.
Physicians treating clinically depressed patients can administer individualized drug therapies with Bio-Dermal Gel. Some doctors choose to compound, or combine two or more medications, to treat depression this way because few restrictions exist on the types of drugs that compoundable for transdermal delivery as of 2011. Compounded treatments commonly include amitriptyline, lithium and other types of antidepressants smoothed onto a hydrogel pad then affixed on a patient's skin. From the skin, the customized medications work their way through the bloodstream into the brain.
Muscle Relaxant
Use Bio-Dermal Gel to administer fast-acting muscle pain relief treatment. Muscle relaxants reduce a muscle's ability to contract by blocking the transmission of its nerve impulses. Transdermal muscle relaxants move through the body faster to block these transmissions than oral medications, which are often partially destroyed during "first-pass effect," when drugs absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract travel through the liver. Muscle relaxants applied through patch technology are not subject to this degradation.
Local Anesthethia
Numb specific treatment areas with Bio-Dermal Gel for minor operations, hair removal, laser treatments and a number of outpatient surgical procedures. Bio-Dermal Gel expedites clinical operations and works quickly to numb target areas. Veterinarians can also use Bio-Dermal Gel to apply anesthesia to animals needing compounded medicines delivered quickly or to animals too small to inject with needles.