How to Make a Grain-Filled Stress Relieving Pad
Things You'll Need
- Fabric
- Straight or safety pins
- Sewing needle or sewing machine
- Thread
- Funnel (optional)
- Rice (not quick or minute rice), lentils, flax seed, buckwheat groats, couscous, barley or other fine grain
- Aromatic spices or essential oils such as lavender, chamomile or clove (optional)
Choose a soft, densely woven fabric for the case of the pad. This can be cotton, flannel or any other fabric that is sturdy and comfortable to touch. The weave of the fabric must be fine enough that pieces of your chosen grain cannot squeeze between the fibers. As an alternative to purchasing fabric, you can use a tall sock or a pillowcase for this project.
Cut two pieces of the fabric in the shape and size you want the pillow to be, adding 1/2 inch around the perimeter for the seam.
Pin the fabric together 1/2 inch in from the edge with the right sides (the sides you want to be on the outside of the cover) of the fabric facing each other.
Sew the two pieces of fabric together, following the pins, to make the pad case. Leave a 2-inch opening, or larger if you are not using a funnel, to pour the grain into. Flip the case right side out.
Insert a funnel into the opening and fill the bag with your chosen grain until it is about three quarters full. If you are adding spices or essential oils to the grain, blend them in gradually to create your desired scent level before filling the bag.
Add more or less grain filling to make the bag to suit your comfort. The more support you want, the fuller the bag should be, but it should also have room to conform to your body. You can test the firmness of the bag by sealing the opening with your hand and gently pressing on the bag.
Sew the opening in the pad case shut.