How to Relieve a Pregnant Woman's Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic nerve pain is a vexing problem for pregnant women, which happens when the fetus causes pressure to the sciatic nerve - the largest nerve in the body - causing severe pain in the legs. The sciatic nerve is what allows for sensory and motor function in the legs, and it runs under the uterus near where the fetus is developing. You can take a few steps to provide some relief to the pain.Instructions
Lie on your side opposite of where you are feeling the pain. This is the best way to relieve sciatic pain as it reduces the pressure the fetus is placing on the nerve.
Avoid heavy lifting and standing for a long time. Elevate a foot and rest it on something if you feel pressure while standing.
Apply heat or cold to the area to relieve some of the pain, although this does not treat the underlying problem of pressure on the nerve.
Talk to your doctor about prescribing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.