How to Use Medical Cold Gel Packs
Things You'll Need
- Gel ice pack (frozen)
- Clock or timer
- Velcro strap (Optional)
Find a comfortable place to sit where you can have the body part you want to treat in a position that the gel pack can rest on easily. You are going to be here for twenty minutes so you may want to get a book or choose a place in front of the television or computer.
Place a towel over the area you want to treat, or, many gel packs come with a cloth sleeve to protect your skin from direct contact with the icy cold.
Set your timer for 20 minutes or note the time on the clock.
Apply the gel pack by draping it over the area you want to treat. If the body part you are treating can not be positioned in a way that gravity will hold the gel pack against the skin easily, you can hold the gel pack in place with the Velcro strap, wrapping the strap around the body part and the gel pack and securing the Velcro fastener.
After twenty minutes, remove the gel pack and place it back in the freezer. You can repeat this therapy after your skin has returned to normal temperature. You can use cold therapy several times per day.