Ways to Relieve Gas Pains
Commercial Products
The active ingredient in almost all commercial medications designed to treat gas pains is simethicone. This ingredient works by breaking apart gas bubbles that have formed inside the large intestine. Other commercial treatments attack gas pains by using activated charcoal to absorb intestinal gas. Check with a physician before using the charcoal method as these tablets may potentially absorb the active ingredient inside any other medication you are taking for other health issues.
Herbal Therapies
Herbal therapies are often based on an ancient treatment for gas pains: peppermint. Peppermint tea can be made by mixing 1 tsp. of peppermint oil into 1 cup of water. If you don't like the taste of peppermint, substitute chamomile or fennel for the mint.
Increasing Fiber in Diet
Preventative treatment can help you avoid gas pains before they have a chance to develop. A common problem related to chronic gas pains is the lack of proper fiber in the diet. Increase your intake of fiber, but do so slowly. You should also avoid eating too fast as well as overeating to reduce the potential for suffering from intestinal discomfort.
Foods to Avoid
Avoidance of certain foods is also a key to curbing the frequency of gas pain. The list of foods that can produce both discomfort and flatulence is fairly broad so this approach may mean a significant change in your regular diet. Foods and beverages to avoid include beans, broccoli, cauliflower, dark beer, carbonated beverages, bananas, prunes, pretzels and citrus fruits.
Lactose Intolerance
Chronic gas pain may be an indicator of something more serious, but also more controllable. Take note of when you experience the worst pains and look for a pattern involving milk. If your gas pain is especially uncomfortable following the consumption of dairy products learn about lactose intolerance. You may not be entirely intolerant to lactose, but enough to produce pains when you consume too much.
French Clay
Look in health food stores for a product called French clay. Mix a dissolved tsp. of this product with water and drink on a daily basis. Avoid taking this treatment with meals. This approach works through absorption of impurities as well as the gas itself. Since the use of French clay may potentially affect absorption of other medications, check with your doctor before trying it.