Reasons for Not Getting Your Period
Stress affects the body in many ways, most of them negative. Hormones secreted during stress could change your body's natural rhythm. This is especially apparent during times of major life changes, such as marriage, divorce and death of loved ones.
Unhealthy Weight
Obesity also results in the secretion of hormones that can prevent menstrual periods and even result in infertility. Underweight women also can have this same problem and miss periods.
Life Changes
Anything that upsets your body rhythms can also change your menstrual timetable. Switching from a day job to a night job, for instance, can change body rhythms.
Illness or taking any new medications could result in missed periods. Your body should adjust to new medications within a few cycles.
Menopause creates many major hormonal changes in your body. Menstrual periods will probably be very unpredictable, and eventually you will stop getting them at all.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
This is a condition in which the lining of your uterus is the incorrect consistency to be expelled. This would be diagnosed by your gynecologist.
This can be diagnosed with a simple home test. Congratulations!