How to Get Rid of Bloating Starting Today
Things You'll Need
- A desire and willingness to change certain lifestyle habits in order to get rid of bloating.
There are different types of bloating and therefore different ways to get rid of bloating. For instance, PMS bloating is caused mainly by fluid retention in the abdominal region and other areas. Some natural ways to get rid of bloating during PMS include herbal treatments like dandelion and fennel seed. (Both are natural diuretics that can be prepared and consumed as teas.)
More ways to get rid of bloating caused by PMS include cutting back on your consumption of sodium during the week or two before your period, getting more exercise, drinking more water and eating more fiber, and consuming more calcium. Tums (1200mgs during PMS), or a generic version of Tums will do the trick as a calcium supplement.
NSAIDs like aspirin, Motrin (which contains Ibuprofen), and Aleve (which contains the anti-inflammatory agent Naproxen) are still more ways to get rid of bloating associated with PMS.
If instead you want to get rid of bloating that is due to gastrointestinal distress, you may want to add more probiotics to your diet. (Organic yogurts are a good source of probiotics.) There are also probiotic supplements you may want to investigate as a way to get rid of bloating related to excess gas in the digestive tract.
Consider drinking some peppermint tea, which can relieve all kinds of intestinal distress, including excess gas. It also helps to get rid of bloating.
When considering ways to get rid of bloating, don't forget to take a look at how quickly you eat. People who eat too fast may develop intestinal gas because they tend to take in a lot of air with each bite. If this describes you, you may want to slow down.
Additional treatments to get rid of bloating and gas include activated charcoal, which is available over the counter, and switching from regular milk to milk that is lactose-free (like Lactaid).
Of course, there are also over the counter medications like Gas-X and the famously named Bean-O, which is a natural enzyme supplement. Just be sure to read the labels of any medication you try to make sure they would be okay for you.