How to Combat PMS Symptoms with PMS Home Remedies
Things You'll Need
- An over the counter calcium supplement (such as Tums or a generic Tums substitute)
- Fiber
- Pure, clean drinking water
- A multi-vitamin designed specifically for women
- Other supplements named in article (as desired or needed and only with your doctor's approval)
Clinical studies indicate that PMS symptoms may be exacerbated by a calcium deficiency. If you use PMS home remedies such as supplementing your diet during PMS with around 1200 milligrams of calcium (Tums or a generic version of Tums can do the trick), you can go a long way toward relieving a variety of PMS symptoms. Calcium supplementation is one of the easiest, most straightforward and cheapest ways to control your PMS symptoms. Calcium consumption can reduce bloating, cramping and other pains associated with PMS.
Be sure to eat enough fiber-rich foods (or to take fiber supplements), as fiber has also been found to reduce PMS symptoms in many women. Consuming additional fiber can help your body get rid of excess estrogen, thereby reducing PMS symptoms and making it one of the more effective PMS home remedies. (Be sure to drink plenty of water too, as staying adequately hydrated helps.) Boosting your fiber intake can also help you eliminate toxins, and feel fuller, which can in turn help you to control your cravings for unhealthy sweet and/or salty foods and not engage in binge eating (as some women tend to do during PMS).
Decrease (or even eliminate) your consumption of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine during PMS, as all three have been known to increase the severity of PMS symptoms in many women.
Dandelion, peppermint, green tea and fennel seed can all be used to reduce bloating during PMS. There is also some anecdotal evidence that these plants can help reduce anxiety, depression, mood swings and other emotional PMS symptoms.
Vitex (also known as agnus cactus or Chastetree or Chasteberry or Monk's Pepper) is another herbal remedy that helps some women manage their worst PMS symptoms. In fact, a great deal of clinical testing has been done on this particular plant, and it is considered one of the safest and most effective of all the natural PMS treatments, so it is definitely worth investigating further.
Chamomile tea, which also helps in the treatment of insomnia and generalized anxiety can be an effective natural PMS remedy for some women.
Omega-3 (which is found in fish oil and flaxseed oil) can also be an effective PMS home remedy, not for all women, but for a significant number of them, as can Gingko Biloba.
Regarding over the counter PMS remedies, you will want to check with your doctor and read up on all the potential side effects since not all medications are appropriate for all people, but Aleve, Premsyn PMS, Pamprin and Midol have all proven effective for many women battling moderate to severe PMS symptoms.
Make sure you are consuming enough potassium during PMS. Ample amounts of potassium can be found in bananas, strawberries, melons and asparagus.
You will also want to increase your consumption of Magnesium. Artichoke, spinach and almonds all contain magnesium.
Evening primrose oil or borage oil, which are both excellent sources of the essential fatty acid Omega-6, also seem to help many women reduce their most debilitating PMS symptoms.
Some women gain relief from PMS symptoms by taking certain types of birth control pills. YAZ (also known as Yasmin) is the most recommended type of birth control pill for this purpose, as it is a low-estrogen version of the birth control Pill. (Of course this is not an option if you are actively trying to get pregnant.)
Some women become anemic or suffer from an iron deficiency during PMS and menstruation, so make sure you are consuming enough iron-rich foods.
If you are among the many women who develop migraine headaches during PMS, you may gain some migraine relief from taking Feverfew supplements.
For PMS cramps, you could try red raspberry and/or Angelica root. These herbs are also effective for treating cramps during menstruation.
Some women take large amounts of Vitamin B6 during PMS. However, if you try this method be aware that there is no clinical evidence that this is an effective remedy, and there is actually a danger of overdosing on this particular vitamin and experiencing "Vitamin B6 toxicity," which can in turn cause neuropathy.
Black cohash has proven very effective for the treatment of PMS in many women. It is also useful for the treatment of the cramps and pain associated with menstruation.