Causes for Irregular Periods
Menstruation typically occurs monthly. Many women consider 28 days or more between periods late. However, this is not the case. Menstrual cycles vary from woman to woman. Also, the duration of the period itself can last from a few days to over a week. Therefore, determining whether your period is irregular depends on what your regular period is like.
Time Frame
It is estimated that the average number of days between periods can be 23 days to 35 days. Based on these numbers, women have approximately 11 to 13 periods annually on average.
Whether a period is considered regular or irregular is mainly determined by the length of time between periods. Regular periods occur when there are approximately the same number of days between the end of your last period and the start of your next period. Since this number varies among women, keeping track of your periods will help you to determine more definitively if they are irregular.
In addition to an inconsistent cycle, periods may be deemed irregular if excessive bleeding or clotting occur. Also, the presence and severity of symptoms associated with menstruation, such as abdominal pain, stomach pain, back pain or headache, can indicate that your period is irregular.
Irregular periods result from an imbalance of hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can be affected by a number of things, including but not limited to pregnancy, birth control pills, stress, diet, excessive exercise, weight change and nutrition. They can also be affected by caffeine, smoking, or drug and alcohol abuse. It is also possible that a serious underlying medical condition is causing irregular periods. To rule that out, you need to get examined by a doctor.
Since hormones affect the menstrual cycle, there are several things you can do to change hormone levels. For example, relax to reduce stress, follow a balanced diet for proper nutrition and exercise regularly, but not excessively.