How to Prevent Menstrual Cramps
Things You'll Need
- Heating pad
- Birth control pills
- Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
Get plenty of rest. Evidence shows that getting plenty of rest will repay you with less menstrual cramps.
Choose exercise if rest doesn't help. Many women find that taking an extra walk during this time helps to prevent the pain.
Take a warm bath. The old wives' tale of not taking a bath during your menstrual cycle shouldn't stop you. If you just can't bring yourself to take a bath during this time, use a heating pad on your stomach when you lie down.
Stop the production of the pain causing hormones by taking birth control pills. This is an option whether or not you are trying to prevent pregnancy. The act of taking birth control pills, in this case, is simply for medical reasons.
Pick up some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen. If these are not strong enough to prevent your menstrual cramps, talk to your doctor about prescription drugs that can help severe cases.