How to Deal With PMS Bloating
Watch your diet. Studies have shown that an improved diet can help you deal with many PMS symptoms, especially bloating. Stay away from sugar, caffeine and salt, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Exercise regularly. It will help with soreness in muscles, and also help your body get rid of excess water that may cause PMS bloating.
Get enough sleep. Your body processes water and many other things best when it is well rested. So deal with PMS bloating by taking a long nap, and scheduling at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
Take a calcium supplement. Getting 600 mg of calcium, twice a day, will help with bloating due to PMS. This is the only amount your body can process at once, so don't try to save time by taking them both at once.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This is the minimum, and the more water you drink the more you will be able to get rid of the water in your system. Also if your body is dehydrated it will retain water.
Eat chocolate. It contains iron and magnesium, which help with irritability and mood swings respectively. Go for dark chocolates, which contain less sugar.