Remedies for PMS Mood Swings
If your mood swings are wild and unpredictable, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant such as Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft. As well as treating mood swings, these drugs also can help with fatigue, food cravings and sleep issues that also are common in women with PMS. While some women will take antidepressants every day, some will only need to take them during the two weeks leading up to menstruation. Usually, these drugs are the first line of treatment.
Home Remedies
There are certain steps at home you can follow to cut down the mood swings associated with PMS. The most important thing you can do is incorporate an exercise regimen into your daily routine. Women who take part in at least 30 minutes of biking, swimming or walking each day notice an improvement in mood and irritability. It is also important to avoid stress, since certain triggers can make your mood shift. Getting the adequate amount of sleep, practicing yoga, getting a massage and learning deep-breathing and muscle relaxation techniques all can help you reduce your mood swings associated with PMS.
Alternative Remedies
According to the Mayo Clinic, certain supplements can help women with PMS mood swings. Taking 1,200 mg of calcium per day has proven to cut down on mood swings. Taking vitamin B-6 each day also helps. Though the Food and Drug Administration does not monitor herbal remedies, the use of ginger, raspberry, chasteberry, black cohosh and dandelion have been known to help women who experience severe symptoms from PMS.