Vitamin Therapy for PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) sometimes makes women become emotional, irritable and bloated before and during their menstrual cycle. Doctors often recommend over-the-counter pain medication, exercise and heating pads to help relieve the symptoms of PMS. When conventional methods do not work, women also can try vitamin therapy for PMS symptoms.
  1. Vitamins

    • Vitamin therapy for PMS involves a daily regimen of vitamins and supplements to help alleviate some of the conditions associated with PMS. Some of the suggested vitamins and minerals are Vitamins A, B, C, D and E and calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and folic acid.

      Vitamins A and B can aid in reducing bloating and stress. Vitamin C is good for breast tenderness, reducing inflammation and raising immune levels. Vitamin E can help with hormones, mood swings and painful breasts. Folic acid and iron are important for oxygen and energy because deficiencies during the menstrual cycle can lead to anemia.

      Calcium and Vitamin D work best when used together for PMS or any other condition because the body has a hard time absorbing calcium without Vitamin D. Calcium and magnesium help to alleviate stress, ease stomach cramps and promote muscle and bone health. Doctors often advise patients to use magnesium to relieve constipation, boost energy and calm anxiety.

      The best sources of these vitamins and minerals are fruit, green leafy vegetables, dairy products and lean meats. If you don't eat enough of these types of foods, you can can take vitamin and mineral supplements, available in a wide variety of stores.

    Other Supplements

    • Herbalists suggest using certain herbs in conjunction with vitamin therapy. Some of these are Evening Primrose Oil, Black Cohosh Root, St. John's Wort Extract and Chaste Tree Berry. Evening Primrose Oil is one of the supplements commonly recommended by herbalists for irritability, breast pain and moodiness associated with PMS. Black Cohosh Root may help balance out hormones and relieve backaches and cramps; herbalists recommend it for PMS and menopause. St. John's Wort may reduce depression, moodiness and anxiety that women sometimes experience during PMS. Chaste Tree Berry may help reduce breast pain, irritability and headaches.


    • In severe cases, PMS can be very difficult, and symptoms may last one to two weeks. Though vitamin therapy is helpful for most women, some may experience symptoms so severe that it interferes with their daily activities. This condition, known as Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), can cause sleeplessness, hypersensitivity, depression and mood swings. Women who have PMDD need to seek medical attention, because the symptoms often last longer than their premenstrual cycle and may not improve with vitamins alone.

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