How to Calm PMS Mood Swings
When PMS strikes try adding Pulsattilla to a bottle of water. Add 8 to 10 pills to your 1 liter bottle of water and drink all day. Make sure to read package directions in case you have purchased a higher strength version. Pulsattilla is available at health food stores and online.
Chamomile tea will help to ease the mood swings of PMS. Chamomile pills or capsules are also sold at health food stores.
Try Yoga. Yoga helps to bring balance into your life. By practicing Yoga, you can learn to relax and restore hormonal balance.
To combat PMS mood swings, health food stores also have natural estrogen replacement herbal remedies. They act to restore hormone balance during PMS
For severe cases of PMS, your doctor can write a prescription for drugs that will balance serotonin levels in your brain such as Prozac.
To ease PMS mood swings eat a healthy diet. Reduce caffeine and salt intake which makes PMS mood swings worse.