Home Remedies for Stomach Pain During Periods

Menstrual pains can be intense and hard to deal with. A common menstrual pain many women feel is stomach pain, which can present itself through cramps or nausea. While this pain may be unavoidable once a month, there are things you can do at home to help alleviate it.
  1. Causes

    • Most often, the cause of your menstrual stomach pain is the contractions made by your uterus during your menstrual period. Other causes can be indigestion, constipation and even bloating from water retention. During your period, some women can even be sensitive to certain foods and that can cause stomach upset and pain.

    Heat Up

    • One remedy for your menstrual mid-section anguish is heat. Using a heating pad on the abdomen for 20 minutes, or more depending on your preference, can relax the abdominal muscles and release tension. Also try a hot bath, possibly with music or scented oils to increase relaxation.


    • Exercise during menstruation has been shown to lessen the severity of menstrual pains such as stomach cramps as well. Not only will exercise help your brain release endorphins, a natural pain killer, but they will also help to stretch out your muscles and increase blood flow. Exercises such as yoga are great for menstrual stomach pain because they not only add exercise and stretching, but also relaxation which lessens muscle tension even more so.

    Hot Tea

    • Herbal teas can be great for treating stomach pains as they are gentle on the stomach and can relax and calm you. Chamomile and lavender are both great for increasing relaxation and decreasing menstrual anxiety, thus helping relieve tension in the abdominal muscles.


    • During menstruation, avoiding certain foods can decrease stomach pain as well. Foods high in sodium and carbonated sodas should be avoided because they promote bloating which can contribute to your stomach pains. Also it's important to eat foods high in iron during menstruation in order to make up for iron lost during your period, as iron deficiency can cause stomach problems such as nausea. Also avoid foods that you know you are sensitive to during menstruation in order to decrease any additional stomach pain.


    • Taking over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, during your period can also help ease stomach pains. Taking it during your period, even before pain presents itself, can help prevent and alleviate any stomach pain during menstruation. As with any medication though, talk to your doctor if you choose to treat your pain with medication. You can also try medication such as Pepto Bismol if you suffer from indigestion during your period.


    • Sometimes severe stomach pains during menstruation can be the sign of a deeper problem, such as endometriosis. If you have severe stomach pain that inhibits your daily life during menstruation you should see your doctor to ensure it is not a more serious condition.

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