How to Treat PMS With Natural Methods
In order to treat PMS you have to recognize the symptoms. Learning when you are prone to PMS symptoms (because it's not the same for everyone) is very valuable in planning your treatment. Keep a journal from the beginning of one cycle to the beginning of the next. You will want to write down what you eat, your activity level and your emotions and moods.
Diet is key. A diet high in fruits, veggies and whole grains can drastically change your PMS symptoms. Avoid or cut back on foods that contain high amounts of sugar, fat or salt. These foods may be tasty, but they can add to the stresses and level of PMS that you experience.
Participate in activities. Anytime you exercise, it releases endorphins, which act as a stimulant in your body. You should aim to exercise or do an aerobic activity three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes. Yoga is also a fantastic exercise for lowering PMS stress. It promotes balance and harmony while encouraging relaxation.
Get enough sleep. Resting is very important when dealing with PMS. If you don't get enough rest, you may feel tired and cranky, which will aggravate your PMS symptoms. Listen to your body and get as many hours as it takes to feel refreshed.
Try to reduce your stress as quickly and effectively as possible. For many women, exercising reduces stress levels. Other women need to take more measures such as doing meditation or perhaps having a few hours alone to enjoy an activity.
Seek alternative care or treatments. Using homeopathic or herbal treatments could really benefit you during the post-ovulatory phase when PMS symptoms are the highest. There are a variety of herbs that treat women's cycles. It is best to speak to a herbalist or holistic practitioner to get the correct herbs and dosage information. Do not rely on the Internet when it comes to medication.
Use non-prescriptive drugs. There are plenty of over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil that can relieve PMS symptoms; however, bear in mind that treating the symptoms won't treat the problem. Truly treating PMS means making a lifestyle change.
Seek professional help. There are some people who cannot get PMS under control with the previous methods. If you suffer severe mood swings and depression or if PMS is negatively affecting your relationships, it may be time to seek professional help. There are hormone therapies and anti-prostaglandin medications that can be used in severe cases.
In any route that you pursue, do not let PMS symptoms ruin your life. There are many things you can do to try and alleviate the symptoms. If one isn't working, move on to the next. You don't have to suffer with PMS. You can also join a PMS support group. I'm certain that women who suffer from PMS can offer valuable advice and suggestions.