Your hcg level went from 705 to 360 what does this mean?
- A pregnancy loss is happening or will happen.
_HCG levels should increase every 2-3 days.
If your results from the previous test were 705 and they have dropped in only a few days to 360, this is concerning for an ectopic pregnancy or imminent pregnancy loss._
Some other reasons why hCG drops in early pregnancy include:
- Corpus Luteum cysts: These are small cysts that form on the ovaries and produce progesterone. They can sometimes cause hCG levels to fluctuate.
- Subchorionic hemorrhages: These are small bleeds that can occur between the placenta and the uterine wall. They can also cause hCG levels to fluctuate.
- Hydatidiform mole: This is a rare condition in which a fertilized egg does not develop into a baby, but instead a cluster of cysts forms in the uterus. Hydatidiform moles can produce high levels of hCG.
If your hCG levels have dropped, it is important to see your doctor right away. They can determine the cause of the drop and recommend the best course of action.