My prescription reads OD Sphere 1.00 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 180 OS -1.75 176 what does all that mean?
OD stands for oculus dexter, which is Latin for right eye.
OS stands for oculus sinister, which is Latin for left eye.
The numbers after the OD and OS indicate the amount of spherical correction you need. A plus sign (+) indicates farsightedness, and a minus sign (-) indicates nearsightedness.
Sphere is the amount of spherical correction you need. A higher number indicates a stronger prescription.
Cylinder is the amount of cylindrical correction you need to correct astigmatism. If you have no astigmatism, the cylinder number will be 0.00.
Axis is the angle at which the cylindrical correction is applied. It is measured in degrees from 0 to 180.
In your case, your right eye needs a spherical correction of -1.00 and a cylindrical correction of -1.00. The axis of the cylindrical correction is 180 degrees.
Your left eye needs a spherical correction of -1.75 and a cylindrical correction of 0.00. The axis of the cylindrical correction is 176 degrees.
To summarize, your prescription means you are nearsighted in both eyes, and you also have astigmatism in your right eye. The prescription is for corrective lenses that will help you see clearly.