How to Manage the Emotional Symptoms of Perimenopause
Change your diet to deal with pre-menopausal anger. The fluctuation of progesterone and estrogen in the period before menopause can cause perimenopausal women to experience anger over situations that normally would not cause such emotion. A diet rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids can help to alleviate these symptoms. The amino acid tryptophan is a natural relaxant that elevates serotonin levels which acts as a natural drug to diminish anxiety.
Follow a regular exercise routine to alleviate perimenopausal anger and depression. Many women experience depression symptoms during this time including feeling gloomy, unshakable sadness, loss of interest, fatigue, extreme irritability and restlessness, guilt and overwhelming hopelessness. Exercise promotes the production of serotonin and increases the emission of endorphins. The release of endorphins reduces feelings of pain and controls emotional reactions such as anger. A brisk walk three times a week will do the trick.
Talk to your doctor about taking anti-depressant medication. Depression can be a serious illness, causing major life changes if not dealt with properly. Psychotherapy may be required for some women experiencing perimenopausal depression. Estrogen replacement therapy is also an option. Always discuss these options with your doctor first.
Relax. Getting a good night's sleep and taking time out of your schedule to indulge in relaxing activities such as a hot bath or massage can help to alleviate or avoid the onset of perimenopausal depression.