Symptoms During Menstrual Cycle
The most common symptom of menstruation is cramping. Cramps occur when the smooth muscles of the uterus contract to expel the lining that has been prepared for a pregnancy that has not occurred. Cramps can be moderate or severe and can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers as well as heat therapy, such as hot water bottles, heat pads or warm baths.
Another common symptom of menstruation is bloating. The body takes on extra water shortly before a woman's period to help "flush" the uterine lining. This bloating can make a woman feel uncomfortable, and her clothes may feel too tight. Most cases resolve within the first few days.
Headaches and irritability are common just before and during a woman's period. This is due to the fluctuation of hormones and the buildup of fluids in the body during the premenstrual cycle. Most of these symptoms will resolve in the first three days of a woman's period.