Diet for PMDD
The Big Idea
The Cycle Diet states that by-products of what we put in our body can affect our overall health and mood. The Cycle Diet divides the menstrual cycle into two phases, follicular and luteal, each lasting two weeks. By adjusting what we eat to match the menstrual phases, the body can better process excess hormones and reduce estrogen and progesterone related symptoms.
Follicular Phase Diet
The follicular phase emphasizes a balanced diet of poultry or fish, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Stress food such as full-fat milk products, fried food and alcohol should be limited. Red meat should also be limited since its high levels of amino acids cause the liver to work harder to clear toxins from your system. In addition, take a multivitamin, a flaxseed or fish-oil capsule once a day and at least 300 to 500 mgs of calcium plus vitamin D.
Luteal Phase Diet
The luteal phase of the diet increases fruit and vegetable intake and limits meat consumption. Avoid all red meat and dairy. Plant proteins such as nuts and soy can help to supplement the body's protein needs. Limit caffeine intake, as well as refined carbohydrates, such as refined sugar and white bread. Eliminate all stress foods completely including all carbonated beverages and aspartame.