How to Prevent Premenstrual Acne and Pimples
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin B
- Birth control pills
Take vitamin B to help reduce acne during your period. Vitamin B6 also helps alleviate premenstrual symptoms such as depression, bloating and moodiness. Foods with vitamin B6 include fruits and vegetables, beans, cereal and grains.
Start exercising before you are premenstrual and establish a regular routine. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Acne is worse when you are tired and unhealthy. Regular exercise helps keep you healthy.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Talk to your doctor about what type of diet is best for you. Generally, you should try a low-fat diet with several servings of non-citrus fruits and vegetables per day, plus whole grains, fiber and lots of water.
Avoid sugar, artificial sweetener, caffeine, white flour, alcohol and nicotine when you are premenstrual. Limit fruit intake to only three servings per day. Citrus fruits can aggravate acne, while a diet of processed and refined foods robs the body of essential fatty acids that cause hormonal acne.
Visit your doctor to get a prescription for birth control pills. The hormones in birth control pills help balance the hormones that cause acne. Birth control pills also relieve other symptoms of PMS.
Reduce stress during PMS with meditation, yoga, massage or creative alternatives like painting or writing. Acne can get worse if you are under a lot of stress.