Supplements for PMS Hunger
PMS and Hunger
Occurring in the second half or the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, PMS refers to a complex combination of physical and psychological symptoms. Among other symptoms, excessive hunger and food cravings threaten to disrupt healthy eating habits and lead to weight gain
Calcium for PMS
A large scale 1998 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported that 1200 mg (milligrams) of calcium carbonate supplemented over 3 menstrual cycles significantly alleviated 4 key PMS symptoms of food cravings, water-retention, pain and mood changes.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 work synergistically together to regulate the nervous system and eliminate the psychological symptoms of anxiety and mood changes, they may also help reduce PMS associated food cravings.
Expert Insight
Dr. Andrew Weil, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, recommends keeping blood sugar levels steady and avoiding alcohol and caffeine including chocolate to control PMS induced cravings and appetite changes.
The menstrual cycle involves a complex interplay between the brain, pituitary glands, and ovaries. A true mind-body phenomenon, both the mind and body need nourishment to bring PMS symptoms under control.