How to Balance Hormones For Mood Swings
Take a look at your diet and make sure that you are incorporating leafy green vegetables, plenty of soy, flaxseed, wheat, rye, grapes, citrus fruits, seaweed, good fats and turmeric. Avoid highly processed foods, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and limit sugar intake.
Incorporate multivitamin supplements, Omega-3 fatty acids, and a B complex supplement. Having adequate vitamin consumption through foods and supplements can drastically help regulate many different irregularities, including the leveling out of moods and hormones.
Get enough sleep. Incorporate an exercise regimen if you aren't currently physically active. Try to avoid external stressors if possible and limit your intake of foods that may contain growth hormones that can throw off your hormone balance.
Consult your doctor to see if you would benefit from a progesterone supplement, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or other estrogen balancing supplements.