What Is Pure Lead?
Lead appears on the periodic table of elements as "Pb" with the atomic number of 82. Pure lead is commonly used with other chemical elements to produce chemical compounds.
Pure lead stored at room temperature is a heavy metal with a dark gray coloring, when exposed to the air lead darkens until it finally becomes black.
At room temperature lead is safe, but becomes dangerous when it becomes airborne. The melting of lead for use in glazes or the removal of products containing lead such as paint allow lead to become airborne.
The dangers of lead were discovered by the Romans, but it remained in common use as a white pigment in artists' paints until the 19th century and in house paints until the 20th century.
Poisoning by pure lead and lead compounds affects the nervous system, damaging the brain and kidneys. Inhalation over a prolonged period can affect the blood by causing anemia and cause saturnine gout.