Cinnamon Oil Poisoning Symptoms
Skin and/or Oral Irritation
When a concentrated version of cinnamon oil is applied directly to skin, some people experience irritation, including warmth, redness and welts. The best remedy for a skin reaction to cinnamon, according to the AAPCC, is to thoroughly wash the area with soap and water. When working around cinnamon oil, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends wearing a long sleeve shirt, long pants, socks, shoes and chemical resistant gloves.
If the person ingests the concentrated cinnamon oil, he may experience oral lesions and ulcerations along the tongue, lip swelling and a burning sensation. After treatment, if the condition persists, the symptoms can generally be solved by removing cinnamon from the person’s diet.
Rapid Heart Rate
Cinnamon oil poisoning may affect the cardiovascular system, causing a rapid heart beat and intensifying the strength of the heart’s pulsations. It will feel like the heart is speeding up for no apparent, natural reason (no exercise, fear, stress or anxiety). A normal heart beats 60 to 100 times a minute; a rapid heart rate will increase the beats per minute above 100, potentially up to 400 beats per minute.
Shortness of Breath and Dizziness
Similar to affecting the heart rate, too much cinnamon oil can also affect respiration. Respiratory symptoms include constriction of the lungs, causing the affected person to breathe more in an attempt to get more air. The accelerated respiration may sound like panting. Due to the lack of air, the individual may experience lightheadedness. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for cinnamon oil warns against extended exposure, which can lead to dizziness and double vision.
Facial Flushing
After ingesting too much cinnamon oil, a person may experience changes to blood supply. An increase in the blood leads to facial flushing. The result of redness in an area of the face can also be accompanied by a warming sensation.
The MSDS for cinnamon oil lists several potential side effects of ingesting a concentrated amount of cinnamon oil. Adverse effects from ingestion include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. While the oil travels through the digestive tract, a burning sensation may be felt in the mouth, chest, stomach and rectal area.