Side Effects of DMPS Chelation
Skin Irritation
Skin irritations such as rashes and itching are commonly experienced with DMPS. Individuals who receive DMPS treatment intravenously may experience irritation at the injection site.
Decreased Blood Pressure
During and shortly after the administration of DMPS the individual may experience a temporary lowering of blood pressure which can result in lightheadedness and fainting.
Cardiac Arrhythmias
DMPS can affect the heart rate. Individuals may experience either tachycardia, which is an increased heart rate, or bradycardia which is a decreased heart rate.
Individuals may experience the illusion of movement, known as vertigo, whether it be their own or that of their environment, following treatment.
Mineral Depletion
Mineral depletion can result when the chelating agent is unable to maintain a bond with the toxic metal in the body. The lack of bonding impedes the elimination process and can result in the redistribution of the toxin, causing further damage to the body.
Body Secretions
An individual's body secretions may adopt a foul, sulfuric odor with prolonged treatment. Individuals on a lengthy DMPS treatment regimen may also experience decreased urination.